Advance– A news/story about a coming event. It calls public’s attention to a coming news or event.
Banner– It is a large Headline in a newspaper that stretches across the front page.
Backgrounder– A Backgrounder is an in formational document often provided with a press release, press advisory or as part of a larger media kit. The backgrounder gives the press or other interested parties a more detailed background of an issue, event, person of interest or launch.
Blow Up– A blow up is a photograph or picture that has been made bigger.
Body type– The type commonly used for the text in a newspaper (5 ½ to 14 points) .
Box– Box is a border around a story or photo.
Bold face-It is a heavier type. It makes letters thicker, and darker than normal.
Broadsheet– A newspaper that is printed on large sheet of paper.
Bull Dog– It is an early edition or the first edition of a daily newspaper and can be dated in advance. It has been defined as intended for distribution out of town or for distant readers.
Bulletin– A brief statement on a matter of public interest, such as illness of a public figure.
Byline– Byline tells the reader who wrote the story/news.
Credit Line– The Credit line that acknowledges the source of a news report, photograph, chart, graphics. A newspaper may be credited to PTI (Press Trust Of India), AP (Associated Press) or ANI depending on which news service has moved the story.
Crop– To eliminate portions of copy or photos by reducing its size.
Cub-A young or inexperienced newspaper journalists who is still being trained.
Dateline– It tells the reader when and where we obtained the basic information for a news/story.
Columnist– A columnist is a journalist who regularly writes a particular kind of article in a newspaper or magazine.
Copy– Material written for Publication/Unedited News.
Deck– It is a division of A headline. It is a small headline running below the main headline. It is also called as drop head.
Kicker– The Kicker or shoulder has been defined as the headline that is placed on top of the main headline.
Double Truck-It refers to a pair of facing pages, usually in a newspaper or magazine, with content that stretches over both pages. This allows the pages to be opened like a book.
Ear Panel: It is placed at the top corners of the front page.
Edition– The issue for one press run.
Editorial– An article expressing the opinion of the newspaper regarding a certain subject.
Filler– It is the short news or information items used to fill small spaces in the news columns.
Fourth Estate– A traditional name for the press, referring to it as the “fourth branch” of government. The term indicates the role and importance of the free press in a democratic country.
Freelancer– Who is not employed by one organization but is paid for their work.
Jump– To continue a story/news from one page to another.
Jump head– A headline printed over the continued portion of a story in a newspaper.
Kill-To strike out copy or take out type not to be printed.
Layout– To position editorial, pictorial and advertising elements on a page it for printing.
Lead-The first paragraph of a news story is called Lead. It contains introduction or summary of the of the story.
Mast Head– The matter printed in every issue of a newspaper, stating the title, management, subscription, and other non news features called Mast Head.
Name Plate– The Nameplate or Masthead is the matter printed in every issue of a newspaper.
Op-ed– A page opposite the editorial page, where opinions by guest writers are presented.
Serif and Sans Serif– Serif is a decorative stroke that finishes off end of the stem. Whereas Sans serif is a font that does not have any stroke.
Sidebar– It is a small section of text next to a longer article. It usually has information that relates to the main story beside it.
Style Book– A style book is a set of guidelines that help staff to bring out a newspaper that is homogeneous, coherent and credible.
Tabloid– A newspaper that is about half the page size of an ordinary newspaper and that contains news in condensed form and much photographic matter.
Widow– It is the end of the paragraph, where a single line of text consisting of one or more words.
Submitted by Chitra. M (22MMCOO7) and SD Samvardhini S (22MMC0025)based on the inputs from DR. Jayaprakash. CR on October 15, 2022.
It is easy to learn this chapter .Explained as point by point makes it crystal clear without any confusion.This is the basic to know about structure/ingrediant of newspaper .
Ingredient of news is clear with simple words and easy to understand.
A very clear account of the components of a newspaper. It is definitely helpful for those who studying journalism and those who are curious about journalism.
The “ingredients” of a newspaper refer to the various components that make up its content, such as news articles, photographs, headlines, advertisements, and editorial content. It’s like a mix of different elements that come together to create a complete newspaper.
The “ingredients” of a newspaper refer to accept the components should be very cleared. It’s really very helpful for studying journalism. The different elements that come together to create a complete newspaper, it’s useful from to learn the journalism.